Divorce Mediation Services for All North Carolina Family Law Matters
And Yes . . . Coffee
Divorce Mediation Services for All North Carolina Family Law Matters
And Yes . . . Coffee
During her 25 years as a trial attorney exclusively representing divorce and family law clients in eastern North Carolina, Lori knows first-hand that settlements reached outside of court are far more desirable than protracted and costly litigation. In court, there are "winners" and "losers" - in mediation, the parties stay in control of the outcome during thoughtful, educated and less hostile negotiations. Mediation saves you time and money and empowers you to resolve your issues using creative, civil and productive methods. Mediation is designed to achieve the outcome best suited for your family in a private and confidential setting. Lori brings her no-nonsense style, attention to detail and decades of experience with your legal issues to get you moving on with your life. You owe it to yourself and your children to try Grounds for Divorce Mediation as an alternative to court.
. . . and yes, coffee is always served.
Good coffee is not guaranteed to resolve your differences, but it makes for a more relaxed setting. Conversations just seem to flow better over a cup of coffee. Plus, coffee can help to improve alertness, attention and concentration and it does not take a scientist to appreciate how those might benefit mediation.
Settle on your own terms - on your own schedule - with a trained mediator every step of the way. Grounds for Divorce Mediation keeps divorcing parties in control of the outcome rather than leaving it up to a judge to decide what happens to children, assets, income and all other aspects of divorce. Mediation is a faster paced and cost- s
Settle on your own terms - on your own schedule - with a trained mediator every step of the way. Grounds for Divorce Mediation keeps divorcing parties in control of the outcome rather than leaving it up to a judge to decide what happens to children, assets, income and all other aspects of divorce. Mediation is a faster paced and cost- saving alternative to expensive litigation that could keep you in the court system for years. Mediation allows for creative resolutions that work best for your family and result in outcomes that are more desirable than what is available through court. Mediation eliminates the hostility and resentment that often lingers after court battles. Mediation offers scheduling flexibility, privacy and the option of virtual or in person meetings - all things you do not have in court.
An initial screening will help determine if Grounds for Divorce Mediation is a good fit for you. Hourly fees are discussed and paid at the end of each mediation session. A schedule is agreed upon and any resources needed to aid in the settlement process are secured - such as real estate appraisals, business valuations, therapists, finan
An initial screening will help determine if Grounds for Divorce Mediation is a good fit for you. Hourly fees are discussed and paid at the end of each mediation session. A schedule is agreed upon and any resources needed to aid in the settlement process are secured - such as real estate appraisals, business valuations, therapists, financial planners, real estate agents, or CPAs. Documents are exchanged securely through the website. We meet as often and for as long as we are making progress towards settlement. Meetings can be together or separate, in person or virtual. The goal is to create an environment designed just for you that is conducive to open, respectful and engaging conversations. And coffee is always served.
Lori Rosbrugh has 25 years of experience as a Family Law Attorney in Eastern North Carolina. She is formally trained and certified as a Family Financial Mediator and has spent years mediating family law cases in addition to representing clients in Family Court. As a mediator, Lori remains neutral and does not represent either spouse d
Lori Rosbrugh has 25 years of experience as a Family Law Attorney in Eastern North Carolina. She is formally trained and certified as a Family Financial Mediator and has spent years mediating family law cases in addition to representing clients in Family Court. As a mediator, Lori remains neutral and does not represent either spouse during the settlement negotiations. Lori's role as the mediator is to facilitate settlement based on her extensive family law experience and no-nonsense style. Lori will explain the details that need to be worked out and suggest possible solutions that have worked for others.
Grounds for Divorce Mediation serves coffee brewed from organic Costa Rican coffee beans. Lori discovered the benefits of coffee during law school. She discovered the heart and soul of a coffee farmer during a trip to Costa Rica many years ago when she traveled into the mountains of the Guanacaste Province on a four-wheeler, through a canopy of clouds, and met Gerardo, the quiet, humble owner of a coffee finca who grows, harvests, roasts and sells the most divine organic coffee. In earlier years, Gerardo loaded up his half kilo bags of coffee beans into burlap bags and brought them down from the mountain on his mule to sell. Times have changed in that his mule was replaced by a motorized ATV, but Gerardo remains a simple man of few words and is the source of the coffee beans proudly served at Grounds for Divorce Mediation. It's hard to imagine anything we cannot resolve over a cup of Gerardo's coffee, as long we stay focused on what is important and let go of the rest. It really can be that simple. Now you know.
Please complete and email the intake sheet before contacting our office to schedule an initial appointment
Intake Sheet (pdf)